Wizu Workspace

In 2015, Wizu Workspace founders Tom Almas and John Guggenheim crossed paths completely by accident. Over a cup of Yorkshire tea they discovered a mutual passion for beautiful workspaces.
Even deeper than that, they both kept hearing terrible stories of businesses who were being treated badly by landlords. They decided it was time to create a brand which would become known not only for beautiful design and world class amenities but for being nice to people. That fine day, Wizu Workspace was born.
Oh, and the name? It came from their personal mission to create a brand with simplicity and distinctive character. Virtues, you might say, which sum up the essence of great workspace.
The 5 Essential Soft Skills Every ‘Techie’ Needs
Wizu Workspace
11 October 2018
09:00 - 11:30
Join this innovative workshop that turns you from more than just a techie, to a great people-person too!