Logical Telecoms

Formed in 2000 by the current directors, Paul Sharman and Philip Pinder, Logical has built a reputation for providing voice and data communications to a wide range of business types and sizes all across the UK and even into Europe.
Key to our development has been our commitment to customer services and a never ending strive to make sure that we are at the forefront of technology. Logical can now provide a seamless all embracing communications solution to any SME, and have the capability in house; or with one of our commercial partners, to support that solution.
90 Minutes in the Cloud
Firstnet Data Centre
09 October 2018
09:30 - 11:30
Designed for Business Owners and Key Decision makers, Logical Telecom in conjunction with Firstnet Data Centre and Avaya are holding short informative sessions to demystify what the cloud is and what it can do for your business, followed by a short Tour actually inside the cloud.